Archive for the ‘photo sharing’ Category

One of the best recent examples of multimedia reporting is the ABC’s recently released Black Saturday site. It presents the unfolding story of the Victorian bushfires in pictures, video, text and audio, focusing n the personal stories of those affected. It is a great example of pro-am collaboration and sources its material from both ABC […]

The ABC’s Black Friday site is a great example of using multimedia to bring together a range of story telling techniques including oral history to commemorate a historic event. This is an early example of ABC multimedia produced to commemorate the fires of 1939.

Suburb view


Suburb view is one of the many interesting examples of aggregating data and using Google maps to offer practical information to users

Kate Day at the Daily Telegraph uses her blog to curate photojournalism, share reader images and engage with readers through competitions. Kate Day is Communities Editor for She blogs about photography and runs a weekly photo competition. You can also follow the competition on Flickr and on Facebook and hear Kate on PhotoLegal, a photography podcast. Please […]

Virtual Gaza


An image conversation project on Gaza from he Alliance for Justice in the Middle East at Harvard University and the MIT Center for Future Civic Media Virtual Gaza is an independent, civic media initiative established by a collective of scholars, media activists and Palestinian residents of Gaza in response to the Israeli assault on the Gaza […]

Robin Hamman at the Headshift blog recently published a fantastic post on a new model of curating user generated content and a demonstration project Climate Pulse A few months ago, one of our technology partners, eVectors, introduced me to a tool they’d created which, with the right editorial strategy wrapped around it, can make the job […]

Two little examples of recent image conversations via Twitter at the Sydney Media140 conference @wolfcat: flickr: Front row at #media140 @media140: caption comp! #media140 Sydney nice pic of @turnbullmalcolm by @babyporridge but what’s he saying?? @sydney140 plz!

A number of image conversation projects have been developed to mark the anniversary of the Berlin Wall. Here we can see the range and differences in the types of projects that are evolving including traditional media using user generated content, community based projects and deep team based multimedia reporting. As I have already mentioned CNN’s […]

Every one knows that Flickr is a great photo site. It is also a great source of news and news photography for journalists. Flickr users clearly label whether their photographs can be used by others and under what kind of creative commons license. The other function that Flickr provides is the ability for users to […]

There are now a host of new applications and tools that allow you to very quickly upload audio, video and images from your smart phone to the internet. Audioboo is an iPhone app that lets you simply record an audio grab, take a picture and load them all up with a location map straight from […]